Hello! Dear friends! If you are reading this article, then you are thinking or want to purchase hosting for your site. There are many operators on the market providing these services, and choosing the right one is not easy. In addition to your requirements, the hosting operator may have a number of limitations. And if you have to choose, we advise you to pay attention first of all to restrictions. Unfortunately, not all hosting providers can afford to host absolutely any website with any content. Not much depends on the country where this hosting is located, or rather, on the laws in the host country.
One of the important points is technical support. Pay attention to the availability of the phone on the hosting site. If it is, then this is one of the guarantors of a reliable hosting operator. In the market there are enough hosting services that simply do not have a phone number on their website. And in case of problems with the site, it is simply difficult to contact them. And they may not respond to e-mail or not so promptly. Getting started with hosting starts of course with technical support as you need to solve a lot of issues and it is possible to move the site.
So, the hosting operator that we recommend may suit you. Go to a more detailed acquaintance and communication with technical support, please click on the link below.
This operator provides the following hosting services:
- One of the lowest and most affordable prices among competitors.
- From 5 sites per account.
This is a great offer as you save money. Some other hosting companies offer 1 site and the price is higher.
- Unlimited MySQL databases.
At your disposal is MariaDB 10.0. For example, with other hosting companies there are those that provide only 1 database.
- No limit hard drives.
Disk space is of the utmost importance. Indeed, if there is a limit on hosting, then you will come across the fact that you need to purchase additional space for storage. And this suggests that the price will increase accordingly. And sooner or later, again, you may encounter a similar problem.
- No limit traffic.
- SSL certificates as a gift.
- A domain as a gift, in the RU zone.
Great offer from the hosting. Which saves money
- Free technical support, which works 24 hours a day.
There is a telephone on the site and online support.
- Modern PHP, which is improved and more recent versions are added.
It can be useful for placing engines and choosing a site engine. The languages PHP, MySQL, Ruby, Python are also supported.
- Free daily backups.
- UpTime is about 99.98%.
This is an indicator that characterizes the work of hosting. And it shows the time during which the hosting works. 2% This is the time allotted for routine maintenance. 99.98% is an indicator of stable and reliable hosting.
- Site control panel on cPanel hosting.
- RAM per account from 1 GB.
Let’s move on to the most important thing, limitations. Hosting is prohibited from hosting the following types of sites:
- Scripts of the proxy server, other scripts that work like proxies.
- IRC scripts, eggdrop, bots.
- Spamming scripts.
- Scripts for spoofing IP addresses / Spoofers, scripts for scanning ports.
- Image hosting scripts (like Imgur or Photobucket).
- Scripts auto-surfing.
- PTC scripts (Paid-To-Click).
- Password selection scripts.
- Scripts of distribution of files, archives.
- Scripts to increase the ranking of sites.
- Scripts like Bitcoin, mining.
- Scripts of viruses, Trojan horses, mass ping, ddos, udp or tcp flood, other scripts of an illegal nature.
- Pirated software, as well as any form of warez.
- Projects for the distribution of drugs, any other narcotic substances or contraband products. Projects to which materials are distributed without appropriate copyright.
- Gambling sites.
- Hacker programs, sale of credit card numbers, hacker sites.
- Forums distributing warez or other illegal content.
- Fraud projects.
- All types of pornographic / sexual nature and any form of obscenity and violence.
- Sites with aggressive content, such as threats, extortion, defamation, blackmail.
- Crack and Hack sites.
- Projects advertising illegal activities.
- Torrent clients and services.
- AutoSurf Sites.
- File archives.
- Lottery projects.
- Web chats, IRC.
- Direct broadcasting from the Contractor’s servers (streaming).
- Phishing sites.
Sites that are hosted with these violations are immediately deleted. On most hosting sites, these requirements can be called standard.
Also during the use of hosting and hosting on the hosting site. Owners (customers) are prohibited from:
- Creating an account (s) that is partially filled or not filled out properly (incorrect entry of name, email, address, phone number and other data). Such an account will be deleted from the Contractor’s system due to the fact that it is impossible to identify the Customer’s identity using incomplete or incorrect data. The Contractor reserves the right to delete the account (s) of the Customer, which is partially or incorrectly filled.
Try to provide the correct data about yourself. It is in your best interest.
- Creating warez portals, phishing sites and sites designed for hacking.
If in the future you decide to provide the service and place another or a third-party site on your account, it is better to discuss these requirements in advance.
- Using sites as file archives or file-sharing resources.
File hosting services are initially resource-consuming and simple. File-sharing owners prefer a productive server.
- Using proxy scripts, scripts designed to download files.
- Use of scripts Autosurfing, Payment for surfing and buks sites.
- Install hacked versions of scripts.
- Using a hosting account exclusively for storing files.
- Using sites of torrent trackers and the like.
- Impersonate another person or organization.
- Download and distribution of content prohibited for publication under the law (internal information, proprietary confidential information obtained as part of an employment relationship or non-disclosure agreement).
- Download and transfer content that contains viruses or files intended for hacking, destroying, limiting the functionality of software or hardware.
- Download and transfer media files (streaming, streaming). Direct broadcasting from the Contractor’s server is prohibited. Media files can be pre-uploaded to a third-party resource, for example, YouTube, and then embedded on the Customer’s website.
- Intervention in the operation of the Contractor’s system, servers or networks connected to the Contractor’s systems.
- Download and transfer data for distribution, broadcast or broadcasting.
- Collection and / or storage of personal data about other users related to prohibited conditions and actions in the established paragraphs from 4.6.1. until 4.6.15.
- Launching autonomous processes that are not processed on the server side, for example, IRCD daemons and the like.
- Starting the crown of the job at intervals of less than 5 minutes.
So, we have listed the main points that a user may encounter who is looking for reliable and affordable hosting for his site. For hosting most sites with different topics, this hosting is one of the best options.