Heroes & Generals en

Heroes & Generals is a massively multiplayer first-person shooter on the subject of the Second World War. It is an unrivaled MMOFPS on the topic of the Second World War. It is you who can turn the tide in a great and tense network war. Speak on the side of Germany, the United States or the USSR as an infantryman, tankman, fighter pilot, reconnaissance pilot or general and fight side by side with players from around the world to win the war.

Players act as «heroes», fighting on the battlefield, flying aircraft, making parachute jumps and driving vehicles ranging from ordinary bicycles to heavy tanks.

Heroes & Generals is not just a game of battles, but a game of war. Great tense network war in which players from all over the world fight and in which your loyalty can turn the tide.

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Heroes & Generals video compilation 04/25/19

In my opinion, the soldiers of the Soviet Union put up serious resistance in Lainah’s defense, but in the course of fierce fighting, [...]