Medieval Dynasty sewing workshop review and building resources needed

Medieval Dynasty has many buildings from the medieval period, each with its own key features. In order to have the opportunity to build new structures, you need to pump the corresponding skills and abilities. Or rather, develop in the appropriate direction. For example, to build a hunting hut, you need to hunt wild animals. At the same time, not only the discovery of the corresponding technologies is pumped, but also the inner qualities of the character himself.

The building, open for construction, will allow the manufacture of new types of tools, weapons and clothing. These tools include axes, hoes, sickle, and others. The character may also be able to cook new types of dishes to solve the problem of hunger. In order to open new dishes, you first need to pump the desired level of technology, and then buy open technology for coins.

As a result, in order to survive and pass successfully, you need to engage in construction and build new buildings. Some buildings make it possible to create coziness in the settlement and provide an opportunity to sleep in houses. Others function as production buildings in which advanced resources such as planks can be crafted. Or they perform functions in the production of food, these may include buildings for farming purposes.

Pre-construction advice.

The construction speed is affected by the available resources for construction. In order to quickly build a building, it is advisable to stock up on construction resources and prepare the quantity. The most difficult resource in the construction of a building is «Log», since it weighs a lot and cannot be moved a lot at one time. In addition, it takes a long time to harvest logs due to the felling of trees.

The easiest way to collect «Straw», which can be found near the water from the «Reed». It also takes some time to collect, but you can carry large quantities of straw. And if you make one big collection, then it can be enough for a long time.

The situation is similar with «Sticks», you can quickly collect it in the winter period, as there is practically no grass and the sticks are very clearly visible. In addition, «Sticks» are obtained from fallen trees, after processing. As a result, the «Stick» resource is quite an accessible resource.

Watch the video of the construction of the sewing room

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About the construction of «Sewing».

The sewing room opens in the same way as most other buildings, if you pump «Craft». At the same time, you do not need to complete additional tasks for construction. The sewing room is a textile manufacturing building. In it, you can get recycled resources for the production of clothing and fabrics.

For the construction of «Sewing» requires a lot of resources, and the building itself takes up little space. Moreover, it has 3 items, thanks to which you can produce resources and things. And one item, a chest, in which it is desirable to store the produced resources or resources for the production of the sewing direction.

Required resources for construction.

For the foundation you need 8 units of «Log». On the walls you will need 32 «Stick» and 4 pieces of log. On the roof you need 40 units of «Straw» and 5 units of «Log». When a building is fully constructed, workbenches become available.

  • Spinning wheel machine.

After construction, the character has the opportunity to produce «Linen thread» from «Flax stalk» and «Woolen thread» on the «Spinning wheel» machine. For example, «Linen Thread» is required to craft «Bow» in the «Hunter’s Hut».

  • Sewing table machine.

On this machine, it is fashionable to make different types of clothing and additional tools that perform other functions in survival. For example, at the initial stage, it will be important to make a «Wineskin» in order to replenish water supplies for a long journey. You can sew bags, different types of clothing for different seasons.

  • «Loom».

Allows to make fabric, these are “Linen fabric” and “Woolen fabric”. Made in a unique form, reflecting the medieval period. Looking at him, you can admire the meantime. The way humanity developed and created modern clothes for itself, for those times.

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