Starship Troopers Terran Command Units and Abilities Guide

Starship Troopers Terran Command is a real-time strategy game based on the movie Starship Troopers, where human tyrants fight arachnids. The goal of people is to free the planet from insects, so that life can develop on this planet. Many parts of the bases have partially survived after past attacks by arachnids. Our fighters will need to capture the surviving bases in order to receive reinforcements.

Almost all the time, the combat process can keep the player on their toes, as the enemy units are almost endless. We’ll have to choose the tactics of warfare under the current situation. The main forces in the fight against arachnids are the Starship Troopers. To successfully resist the enemy attacks of arachnids, you need to know the strengths of your fighters.

Units of the game Starship Troopers Terran Command.

I would like to note right away that the combat effectiveness of the fighters depends on what level of difficulty they have chosen. Since the greater the difficulty, the less damage the soldiers do. This suggests that it will be necessary to correctly distribute the combat forces and “Military Support”. When moving, you need to take into account the firing range of units and their purpose in order to avoid losses.

In most cases, during breakthroughs, you will have to take engineers with you to deploy turrets. Without the support of the turrets, it will not be possible to break through and clear the “Beehive”, since there are few fighters in the group. In this case, it will be necessary to leave someone at the base in order to protect the main control center.

  1. Unit Submachine gunners.

The very first and main units that will be used in battles even at the last levels. Infantrymen are armed with Mortar assault rifles. Effective at close and medium range against unarmored targets. The firing radius is standard and it will be possible to compare the firing range of other units by it. The firing range is 3 stars. Can attack through the air and clear beehives.

Special abilities.

  • MX-90 grenade.

Machine gunners throw a hand grenade at some distance from themselves. After the throw, the timer goes off and an explosion occurs. Effective against a cluster of enemies if you calculate the time of movement or throw it into the hives.

  • Shotgun fire.

They begin to conduct heavy fire from Mortar’s underbarrel shotguns. The volleys are very powerful, but the firing range is noticeably lower than normal shooting. It is effective to use when the enemy managed to break through the line of long distance. Or when machine gunners are near the hive and a new wave is expected.

  • Infernal package.

Soldiers can throw a bunch of grenades at close range, after which they will need to move away. After detonation, a powerful explosion occurs. In fact, it is used extremely rarely and is ineffective due to installation almost close to the right place. While the fighters run to install them, they can be suppressed by attacks. As a result, we do not recommend pumping the “Infernal Parcel”.

  1. Unit Military engineers.

Military Engineers are strategically needed and important combat support units. Without them, the passage of difficult missions is difficult to imagine. These guys can build 3 types of combat turrets that have saved captured bases more than once when the main squad is on a mission.

In battles, they can also make a significant contribution to suppression, but at low levels. With medium armored arachnids, they are not very effective. The main armament is a flamethrower, which decently suppresses and delays the advance of the enemy. The disadvantage of the flamethrower is that it has a very short range and cannot shoot through the air. However, the main task of engineers is to support. Therefore, at least 1 unit of “Military Engineers” must be present on the battlefield.

The “Military Engineers” has several disadvantages. There are only 3 fighters in the detachment, which makes it impossible to withstand large concentrations of the enemy and hold the direction for a long time. Cannot shoot at air targets.

Special abilities.

  • Incendiary grenade M1.

Throws an incendiary grenade that sets fire to a small area of ​​the ground. The location of the grenade throw prevents the enemy from advancing for a period of time while the ground is burning. The grenade is effective to use when the enemy is rapidly breaking through the flank or throwing it into the hives.

  • Explosive charge.

Engineers place a powerful charge and you can choose a detonation time of 10 or 30 seconds. To place the charge will have to go to the installation site. Therefore, the ability to apply almost nowhere. In addition, the set time is not always possible to guess correctly.

  • Flaming spear.

If you managed to upgrade the “Military Engineers” to level 3, then it is advisable to upgrade the “Burning Spear”. Since in this case, engineers will be able to fire at the same distance and inflict increased damage. The attacks release a powerful jet of high-pressure, high-temperature flames that incinerates everything in its path.

  1. Unit Snipers.

Snipers are the longest ranged troopers in Starship Troopers Terran Command and can engage aerial targets. Perhaps, probably, these detachments were invented against air targets. There are only 2 snipers in one squad, which are very few and their rate of fire is very low. Therefore, it is rarely used on the battlefield and is more needed for reconnaissance.

 Special abilities.

  • Speed ​​mode.

Increases sniper movement speed and rate of fire. As the penalty for casts, the range of fire is reduced. It is effective to apply when a retreat is required, in all other cases it is rarely used. Since the standard speed is quite normal.

  • Crippling shot.

Fires at an enemy’s vulnerable point, the shot deals high damage and can stun the target. Effective against strong enemies that have a lot of health. Crippling Shot is one of the most basic abilities that is used frequently and effectively on the battlefield.

  • Sensor beacon.

The sniper fires a sensor at a good distance from him, which shows the location of enemies obscured by fog. The sensor attracts enemies who seek to get close and destroy the sensor. Sensor reconnaissance is short and effective in case of temporary distraction of the enemy. It is used in practice very rarely, so it is not advisable to pump.

  1. Signaler unit.

The signalman allows you to keep in touch with the base and, when necessary, calls a place for the arrival of reinforcements. It should be noted that the signalman is more of a support, rather than an attacking fighter. There are only 2 fighters in one squad. The main task is to call for reinforcements right into the thick of the battles. Not often used on the battlefield, however, without them, it can be difficult to clear clusters of hives. It is advisable to hire when it is difficult to break through the flanks with detachments and there are losses.

Special abilities.

  • Assignment of a landing zone.

Places a drop zone that can be used for reinforcements. To install, you need to approach the fighters to the desired landing site. The set landing place for reinforcements works for some time, after the time expires it disappears. Hiring a squad makes sense for this ability.

  • Fire support transport.

Summons an air transport that hover over the target area and provide defensive fire support. If you managed to upgrade the Signalman to the third level, then it is advisable to upgrade this ability. Since the effect of the application is quite tangible.

A signalman with the Fire Support Transport ability begins to make a significant contribution to offensive-defensive actions. There will be no large and permanent result, due to the time-limited effect of the ability. As a result, you will have to choose the right moment and time to attack and clear the hives.

  • Inspiring broadcast.

Increases the rate of fire of nearby friendly units. It also increases resistance to suppression. Among the shortcomings, a loud sound can be noted, which attracts enemies in a large radius. It doesn’t make much sense to explore, since it’s not easy for soldiers to push directions anyway. A loud sound can significantly complicate the defense due to the greater number of opponents.

  1. Unit Combat officer.

Mobile Infantry Officer trained in the finer points of military command and Federation values. Able to increase the productivity of other soldiers. There is only one unit in the squad, which is why the use on the battlefield is not profitable. Since it does not bring a large contribution during breakthroughs, although it can significantly increase the speed of pumping fighters.

A combat officer is a support fighter. It is rarely used on the battlefield and is needed mainly to speed up the pumping of other fighters. Due to the small number in the detachment, it is an easy target for the enemy. Therefore, it can be taken to the battlefield when all units are busy defending the base. And then for the first time, then it will need to be replaced by stronger units.

Special abilities.

  • Target indication.

A combat officer can mark an area for more damage to all enemies that are in that area. The radius of action is 3 stars, this is the same radius that the submachine gunners have.

  • Aggressive tactics.

Temporarily increases the power of a friendly unit. Increasing the increased experience by 3, increases the speed of movement, accuracy of shooting and increases the level of penetration of armor. In fact, there is no significant effect. We do not recommend pumping, since the accuracy of shooting is at a normal level and units move at normal speed.

  • Defensive tactics.

Temporarily increases the power of allied fighters. Fashion to increase the acceleration of experience by 3 units, increase the rate of fire and resistance. As a penalty, units’ movement speed is reduced. But, given that in most cases the fighters are in a defensive position and the arachnids attack them on their own, then it is advisable to pump.

  1. Unit Rocket throwers, fighters with rocket launchers.

The units are equipped with M55 rocket launchers, which have armor-piercing warheads to deal with heavily armored targets. At the third level, fighters can be equipped with other types of missiles. The attack radius is almost the same as that of a sniper, this allows you to hit difficult enemies that shoot at a long distance.

This is one of the most needed units in the game, despite the small number, only 2 people. 2-3 units of such detachments behind the backs of the main fighters, such as submachine gunners, are able to make a significant contribution to breaking through enemy clusters of enemies. Depending on the circumstances, it is desirable to have 2-3 units available on the battlefield.

Special abilities.

  • High explosive warhead.

Launches a rocket that deals decent damage in an area. The explosion radius is not large, but it does good damage to armored targets. The firing range is slightly less than the standard attack. Can be applied already at the first level.

  • Warhead with buckshot.

This warhead deals damage in a large area, but is not effective against armored targets. Despite the explosion in a large radius, we do not recommend pumping if there is 1 such unit on the battlefield. Since in most cases it is desirable to use warheads on enemies with good armor, in this case the danger can be reduced. If there is another squad, then you can pump the “Warhead with buckshot” to one squad.

  • Warhead “Rain of Fire”.

Launches a warhead that sets fire to the ground in a small radius and blocks the enemy’s passage. We recommend pumping this ability, as it is effective against armored targets and prevents the enemy from passing in one of the directions. It is good to use on the hives, in this case one of the passages is closed for a while, and the fighters can focus on other directions.

  1. Infantry unit with MK 2.

The fighters are equipped with Mortar MK 2 rifles, which has an underbarrel grenade launcher. Effective at medium to long range. They can deal with lightly armored targets and medium armored targets. Among the shortcomings, one can single out a small number of soldiers in the detachment, only 6 people and vulnerability with close combat. The firing range and damage is greater than the “Assault Rifles”, the range is 4 stars, and the damage and all other indicators are 2 stars.

It is advisable to take 2 of these units on the battlefield, as they can hit enemy units earlier. The main position on the battlefield is the second row, move machine gunners to the first row, so you can ensure a better passage. In order not to lose the squad, you need to try to keep other fighters behind you.

Special abilities.

  • Frag grenades.

They provide indirect fire support with a long salvo of fragmentation grenades. It is effective against light targets with a small accumulation. Effectively used on a large concentration of enemies and under the cover of other units. Since in the process of using the “Fragmentation Grenades” ability, the “Infantry with MK 2” squad freezes for a while in place.

  • Anti-air grenades.

Fires a volley of anti-aircraft grenades that hit mid-range air targets. We do not recommend researching this ability, since attacks from the air are rare and very weak. In most cases, “Automatic” quickly extinguish attacks from the air.

  • Cutting volley.

The MK 2 Infantry fires a salvo of cluster ammo to clear an area of ​​enemies. It is effective to use when the enemy fighters managed to break through the red line and break through to the “Automatic” or infantry very close. In this case, you can activate the ability “Cutting Volley” and interrupt the enemy breakthrough.

  1. Unit Infantry with E-PULSE.

The infantrymen are armed with E-PULSE rifles, which have high damage, hitting light and medium armor of enemies. For good damage, which is more than “Assault Rifles” and “Infantry with MK 2”, there are a number of penalties or disadvantages. In all other respects, they can well hold enemy breakthroughs and fight at close range.

For example, there is a small firing radius, a little more “Military Engineers” and a low movement speed. Because of this, it is difficult to escape from the fire of enemy artillery or shooters at a distance. small firing radius also makes it difficult to hit ranged enemies. The use of this type of units is limited in most cases. The squad can be effective when you need to go clear the hives. When attacking, put it next to the hive or as a guard for other units, such as “Infantry with MK 2”.

Special abilities.

  • Overloading rifles.

Temporarily increases rate of fire, damage, and armor penetration. After the end of the ability, the batteries overheat and the weapon becomes incapacitated for a while. It is recommended to use it in extreme cases and when it is possible to retreat, otherwise there is a possibility of losing fighters.

  • Battery flash.

Shorts out the E-PULSE battery, causing a bright flash that stuns all targets in the area. The ability to use well in close contact with enemy fighters. In fact, such contacts are found, but they are used extremely rarely. Since “Overloading rifles” is more often used.

  • Light the way.

Temporarily ignores all vision reduction effects, sacrificing 20% ​​rate of fire. We do not recommend pumping, since the effect does not matter, due to having other units in the team that have good visibility.

  1. Fleet Adjutant Unit.

A fleet adjutant is an officer who provides direct communication with the fleet. The main task is to support, call for reinforcements, airstrikes and other relief measures. Without support from the fleet, the Adjutant of the Fleet will not cause much damage to the enemies, since there is only one person in the squad. And you can hire only one such unit. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the difficulty of pumping up to level 3 and weak regular attacks.

However, there are times when it makes sense to hire one such officer. It copes well with large and strong accumulations of arachnids. Only when he uses his powers. That is, playing a unit comes from using abilities.

Special abilities.

  • Blow TVK.

Calls in a squadron of TEC fighters that drop bombs along the specified line. To change the direction of the fighters, you need to click and drag in the desired direction. Aircraft deals very good damage to all enemies in the area.

  • Resetting Marines.

Produces a call for reinforcements in the form of special fighters that can only be received on the battlefield by this call. Marines are dropped from the landing ship to the specified area. The fighters are almost the same as the “Automatic” and fight in the same way, but have no abilities.

  • Orbital impact.

When pumping at level 3, it is worth considering the pumped abilities of the Adjutant of the Fleet, since both abilities are attractive. But, given most circumstances, Orbital Strike will be more useful, as it strikes in an area and at a distance.

  1. Unit Marines.

Federation Marine Corps – These are the elite infantry commanded by the fleet. They are armed with mortars with a shorter firing range than those of the Submachine gunners, but with slightly more damage. They cannot be hired on the battlefield, they are called by the Fleet Adjutant officer. Summoned fighters “Marines” have no abilities.

  1. Unit M-11 “Marauder” (Gatling).

This is a combat upright vehicle – the pinnacle of human technology. Armed with two guns, in one hand a machine gun, in the other a rotating cannon M648 “Vylkan”. Two automatic guns, which allows you to quickly push through and hold back enemy lines.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out the inability to attack air targets, clear the hives, and capture the base. There is also a penalty for the weapon, if you shoot for a long time, the machine gun overheats. In addition, the damage dealt decreases with the level of reduction in health points. Nevertheless, the robot fights well with the thick of enemies and provides good support.

It is also possible to hire the M-11 Marauder Unit with a flamethrower. The robot is not very effective, as it hits targets at close range and has a low movement speed. A machine gun and a flamethrower are available in weapons, but in most cases a machine gun is used, since the enemy often does not reach the robot.

Special abilities.

This fighter does not have a starting ability, in order to get the first ability you will have to pump up to level 3. Given the power of the robot, reaching the third level will not be difficult. Since the robot can easily deal with enemies of the middle and strong class at a medium distance.

  • Fire mortar.

When activated, you can cause a bombardment of the specified area from the mounted rocket launchers on the shoulders. Attacks do not take place with accurate shots, in a scatter, but they cover a large area. It is advisable to pump, as the battlefield allows you to keep opponents at a great distance.

  • Incendiary projectile МХ-113.

When activated, it releases a high-tech charge around the robot and hits enemies near the robot. We do not recommend pumping this ability, since in most cases the enemies do not get to the robot, which is under the cover of other units.

  1. Unit M-11 “Marauder” (Howitzer).

A combat vehicle with two different spells, a machine gun in one hand, a howitzer in the other hand. The howitzer attacks at a very long distance. Due to this, it is very effective against strong opponents, including enemy artillery. We recommend using it on the battlefield, as the robot can withstand enemy shooting attacks well and can effectively repel attacks.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out the inability to attack air targets, clear the hives, and capture the base. In addition, the damage dealt decreases with the level of reduction in health points. Nevertheless, the robot is excellent at fighting enemies at a long distance and provides good support.

Special abilities.

  • Fire mortar.

When activated, you can cause a bombardment of the specified area from the mounted rocket launchers on the shoulders. Attacks do not take place with accurate shots, in a scatter, but they cover a large area. It is advisable to pump, as the battlefield allows you to keep opponents at a great distance.

  • Incendiary projectile МХ-113.

When activated, it releases a high-tech charge around the robot and hits enemies near the robot. We do not recommend pumping this ability, since in most cases the enemies do not get to the robot, which is under the cover of other units.

  1. Exo Skeleton Infantry.

These are elite fighters who have powerful armor and weapons. A squad of exo skeletal infantry move noticeably fast across the battlefield and have a good margin of safety, unlike other fighters. That is, they have the fastest movement speed, which allows you to provide support at the right time.

Special abilities.

Unlike other units, exo skeletal infantry have as many as three abilities to choose from after reaching level 3. All additional abilities give you the opportunity to choose the tactics of the game and make the squad more useful on the battlefield.

  • MX-90 grenades.

Exactly the same as the “Automatic”, you can throw at some distance from the fighters. There is a small radius of destruction and the ability to stun enemies. The ability is standard and can be used already at the first level.

  • Machine gun Mortar Mk 3.

Allows you to equip the Exo Skeletal Infantry fighters with modern weapons in the form of the Mortar Mk 3 machine gun. The ability works automatically, without additional activations. Soldiers will now penetrate light and medium armor, as well as deal slightly more damage. As a penalty, infantrymen have their movement speed reduced, but they also remain mobile.

  • Shoulder rocket launchers.

Arms soldiers with special rocket launchers that are mounted on the shoulders. The rate of fire of rocket launchers is not high, but they can effectively hit enemies with heavy armor. Rocket launchers fire automatically when aimed directly at an enemy. It is advisable to pump at least one squad, since complex enemy fighters are often found on the battlefield.

  • Engineering facilities.

After pumping, soldiers get the opportunity to play the role of engineers. Exo Skeletal Infantry can build defensive turrets and repair robots. A very good and suitable ability for breakout units, as a defensive structure can be built on the battlefield. This allows you to more effectively deter enemy attacks.

Conclusion by units, in the game Starship Troopers Terran Command.

The game features a sufficient number of units that can carry out combat operations with arachnids. From the presented fighters, you can choose your tactical actions. It will not be possible to build many strong combat units, since reinforcement points and military support are needed. The most valuable resource for hiring heavy fighters is Military Support, which is also spent on the construction of buildings and defensive turrets.

As a result, you need to choose more optimal ratios of units on the battlefield and the number of defensive structures. There are times when there are not enough units in the attack, you have to add from the units that are on the defensive. And the defense also needs units, for this defensive turrets are built around the perimeter, depending on the strength of the enemy. And then they balance between the number of turrets and the choice of strong units.