World of Tanks about a new game event Victory Strategy 2021

Greetings, dear tankers! In the near future, a new game mode in the form of a tactical strategy may appear in World of Tanks. The developers announced that this mode can be tried out as part of the Victory Strategy game event. The release date of the game event is not yet known, presumably it may be released in the new update 1.11.1 or a little later.

In the “Victory Strategy” game event, players are divided into two teams, 7 tankers versus 1 strategist. You can enter battles on level 10 tanks and this restriction applies to all players in the “Victory Strategy”. And the duration of the battle is up to 15 minutes.

For the first time in the history of World of Tanks, the developers will offer players the ability to control tanks that can be controlled by artificial intelligence. And build defensive structures on the battlefield, where other players of 7 will be opposed.

About the game for the “Tankers” in the game World of Tanks.

They will play as tankers on level 10 tanks as part of a team of 7 people. You will have to fight against level 10 tanks under the control of artificial intelligence and defensive structures on the side of the other player.

The goal of the victory will be to defeat the destroyed tanks of the Strategist side or capture its base. At the same time, the main priorities for destruction are aimed specifically at enemy tanks, but it is not necessary to destroy defensive structures.

For a successful victory, players from the “Tankers” platoon should preferably stay close to each other. And if divided into groups, then only into two and with equal forces. Since on the way to the main base “Strategia” there are defensive structures and, possibly, the same strong enemy tanks. And it is clear that pushing the flank alone will not work.

In general, playing for the “Tankers” resembles a regular game against other players. Only new opponents were added, in the form of defensive structures. Defensive structures in the game were previously encountered, but they were not active, they served as decorative functions. And in the “Victory Strategy” game event, defensive structures can decently bite allied vehicles.

About the game for “Strateg”, in the game World of Tanks.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the “Victory Strategy” game event, for the players will be participation in the role of “Strategist”. Since the developers have brought some know-how into the world of World of Tanks. This is not just a battle against other players in tanks, but performing many additional functions and commanding your own groups of tanks.

It will be possible to take part in the game for “Strateg” after a certain number of “Reports” have been collected. Which can be obtained by playing on the side of the “Tankers”. Reports is a new in-game currency that can be obtained for participating in in-game events.

Combat actions “Strategist” can take from different positions. The main function is to monitor the battlefield from above, as in strategy games and give orders for military equipment. Sometimes, out of dire need, the “Strategist” can switch the observation mode and take direct control of one of the available allied tanks. Controlling the tank in a straight line, the “Strategist” can be the same as in a normal game, from a third person.

Victory “Strategist” is counted in the event that he manages to destroy all the equipment of the “Tankers” or capture the base. When capturing a base, one tank unit is taken into account and is not summed up, the capture time is 1 minute. The same time and conditions apply to the side of “Tankers” in the capture of the base.

About defensive structures in the game event “Victory Strategy”.

For the first time, a player on the side of “Strateg” can independently build defensive structures on the map, where the hostilities will take place. The strategist’s game begins with planning and placing structures, as well as choosing battle tanks. The success of the victory can be influenced already at the planning stage. Since you will need to guess the correct forces of military equipment and include in the group and correctly place protective structures.

It is important to note that the “Strategist” can plan the location of defenses before the battle, placing them in the right places. But in the course of the battle, you will not be able to interact with defensive structures.

  • Observation towers.

Needed to fulfill the role of a passive scout. They are capable of detecting enemy tankers’ vehicles at a great distance. At the same time, do not be noticed for a long time. You can build up to 3 Observation Towers.

  • Dota.

These are defensive structures equipped with anti-tank machine guns. They can inflict damage and disable modules of tanks “Tankers”. In combat, they are effective against tanks with weak armor, but in the fight against heavy tanks, shells are not very effective.

A feature of “Dots” is good armor, which in turn makes them good opponents. In addition, the “pillboxes” have camouflage, so it will not be possible to spot enemy vehicles at a great distance. Up to 4 “pillboxes” can be installed on the battlefield.

  • Artillery batteries.

A defensive structure with good weapons that shoots just like tank guns and can deal damage from a long distance. They pose a great danger for tanks with a low speed of movement, but for tanks with good speed and maneuverability, they may not deliver big problems. About 2 “Artillery Batteries” are available for construction.

About the gameplay when playing for Strateg, World of Tanks.

Players who have gained access to the “Strategist” must choose a technique and place defensive structures before the battle. Combat equipment of level 10 can be selected before the start of the countdown.

After the player is ready, he can go into battle. The countdown will begin until the start of the battle, and during this time, the “Strategist” must have time to place military equipment and protective structures on the battlefield. Protective structures are installed in special places. If during the allotted time period the player did not manage to place the vehicles, then all the vehicles will be placed automatically in random order.

During the battle, the “Strategist” can command several tanks to push through the flank and attack the base of the “Tankers”. Or keep all tanks close to the base and defenses. Or it can even wait for the arrival of the “Tankers”, evaluate the combat resistance and make a decision during the battle.

If necessary, the “Strategist” can control any tank in his team. And it is advisable to switch between all the available tanks, since tanks under artificial intelligence are not very efficient in combat.

Conclusion on the game event “Victory Strategy”.

Once again, the developers of World of Tanks delight players with unique game modes that significantly add variety and increase interest in the game. Most likely, a game event will not be complete without special awards and gifts, as it was in previous game events. Hopefully, the Victory Strategy game event will last for a normal period of time, during which players will be able to complete all objectives and receive all available rewards.


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